{Solved} Unable to export Power Automate Flow as package (.zip)

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. In today’s blog I will discuss on a rather peculiar issue faced when you try to export a Power Automate flow.

Traditionally whenever I would want to export a Power Automate flow, I shall select the flow and then choose the Package (.zip) option.

However lately I observed that when exporting a flow, the option to Export as Package(.zip) no longer appear on some flows. You only get the option ‘Get Flow Identifier‘.

Honestly I was quite taken back when I first observed this. I have been doing this for years now. Thought it’s a cache issue, refreshed the page, re-opened the browser but still no luck.

A little bit of investigation and then I found the following.

First and foremost if your Power Automate flow is added to DataVerse solution, you won’t get the option to export it from My Flows section. For example – The highlighted flow is added to the Default solution of DataVerse.

From the My Flows section when I click on Export option for this flow, I don’t find the option to Export the Flow as package(.zip).

To export these flows, you need to export the solution and import the flows as part of solution import. Well I kind of agree to that. But I do have a way out here too. Stay tuned!

Now the weird behavior. You may find some flow not having the Export Package (.zip) option available, irrespective of that flow not part of any solution. I initially thought it’s a browser issue but even after trying with multiple browsers, the issue persisted.

So what do in cases in like this?

The next few steps shall allow you to export the Power Automate flow as package(.zip) irrespective of whether the Power Automate flow is part of the solution or for that matter any Power Automate flow where you are missing the Export as Package (.zip) option.

The first step is to open your Power Automate flow from My Flows section and copy the URL from the browser window.

Following is the URL of the flow I opened.


The flow is part of a DataVerse solution and you can kind of determine that from the URL itself.

To open the export page, all you need to do is remove the ‘details‘ word from the end of the URL and replace it with the word ‘export‘. Below is my export URL. If you observe carefully, the URL has the word ‘export‘ at the end.


That’s the only change we are going to make. And now when you browse the export, voila. The page to export the flow as package show up. Wonderful isn’t it?

This technique works for all type of flows. So next time you don’t see the Export Package (.zip) option for a Power Automate flow, for whatsoever reason, ,you can follow this trick to launch the export page.

Hope you liked the post. If this post has helped, you can buy me a coffee.

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Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP

2 thoughts on “{Solved} Unable to export Power Automate Flow as package (.zip)”

  1. I encountered this type of error
    The request failed with error: ‘{“error”:{“code”:”PackageFlowMissingConnectionMap”,”message”:”Flow resource ‘fe9c4e51-3864-4d31-8fa1-bafa20bc77a0’ missing mapping for connections ‘shared_commondataserviceforapps,shared_flowpush’.”}}’. The tracking Id is ‘9e5e879e-5a03-4d42-aebf-7f76009f961b’.

    1. Debajit Dutta (Business Solutions MVP)

      Hi Benjamin,
      Thanks for reading my blog.
      When are you getting the error? is it during import or export?

      Debajit Dutta

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