Quick find view search not working in Dynamics 365? There is Change in Default Search behavior in Dynamics 365 in release wave 1

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Well this one came as pure surprise and I got to know of this one only after one of our customer enabled 2020 Release wave 1 feature in one of their SandBox environments and updated us that search on entity grids is not working as excepted.

Let me explain the scenario here. My customer was searching in the opportunities grid and the view that he was currently  in was “Open Opportunities”. Can’t use my customer environment for this blog. Hence using the screenshots of a vanilla environment with Release Wave 1 2020 enabled.


If I search on this view with the word Kitchen, our expectation is Dynamics would use the Quick find view to identify all the records matching with kitchen and show the results. But surprisingly it didn’t happen.


However in the list of all opportunities, there is indeed an opportunity with topic “Kitchen appliances”. And as per the quick find view configuration of opportunity it is supposed to return that.


This one took us completely by surprise. Personally I had no clue of what was happening. The only difference we could make was this started happening after we enabled Release Wave 1 2020 in their SandBox environment. And for the customer it’s a feature they are so accustomed to and suddenly not working.

So we started digging the release notes and we finally found the hidden gem. You can read it here.


To be honest, it didn’t go well with my customer but I would keep that aside and jump more into the technical side of it.

Question 1 – “What is happening now by default?”

Well by default, Dynamics 365 or CDS searches in the view that you are in. If you observe carefully, the search textbox now contains a placeholder text – “Search this view”

Question 2 – Can I go back to the previous behavior – Searching based on Quick Find view?

Fortunately, the answer is Yes. You would need to go Settings –> Administration –> System settings and set the value below setting value to yes.


Question 3What happens to Categorized/Global search?

The categorized search still used the Quick find view.

What’s my opinion on this feature? It’s a long awaited feature and Microsoft did a great job implementing the same. However would have been better if they hadn’t made it the default behavior in entity searches. This can take your customers by surprise.

Hope this helps!

Debajit Dutta

(Dynamics MVP)

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Our product offerings:

Role based views for Dynamics 365 (http://www.xrmforyou.com/role-based-views.html)

3 thoughts on “Quick find view search not working in Dynamics 365? There is Change in Default Search behavior in Dynamics 365 in release wave 1”

  1. @Debojit – Thanks a TON for sharing this post. We all are too excited with new features 2020 release Wave 1 has added but there’s also another side i.e. these minor bits which needs to be tested properly because for non-technical users aka clients this could be sometime challenging..

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