Using && Operator vs. And Function in Power Apps Canvas Apps

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. In today’s blog we will discuss how you can frame And conditions in Power Apps canvas apps.

Let’s get started. If you are coming over to Power Apps from traditional programming, you might be fairly accustomed to using && for And condition operator.

Well, Power App does not disappoint. Here also you can use the double ampersand (&&) to frame your conditions. For example, check for the below And conditions with the && operator.

a = 20 && b <=50 && !IsBlank(c)

Power Apps however also have the And function which can be used in place of the regular && operator. For example the above formula can be easily written using the And function.

And(a=20, b<=50, !IsBlank(c))

There is no recommendation on how you should write And conditions, whether using the function or using the operator. However when you have lot of And/ Or groupings, usage of the function syntax shall make the formula cleaner to read,

Hope this helped!

Debajit Dutta

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