How to show ratings on PowerApps portals/ Dynamics 365 portals. All you need to know

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Recently we had this scenario where my customer was trying to configure ratings for a web page in PowerApps portal. Basically it’s a page where customers could login and rate the page content.

So here was the developer who created the web-page and also checked the box “Enable ratings”


As it occurred, everything should work fine. After all the documentation also mentions that all we need to do is to enable the ratings for the webpage. However the rating control was not visible on the web-page. Seemed like a cache issue and even after restarting the portal, it didn’t show up.

So if you wondering why this happens and kind of stuck, this blog will help you out. To basically show the rating on the page, you need to perform two steps:

Step 1: Enable rating on the content page

For every language a content child page is created for web page in the portal. You would find it in the localized content section of the portal.


You would need to open up the page for the specific language and enable ratings for the same.


Step 2 – Choose the right page template

Now this one can be really hard. Here we have used the Page template provided by the portal which “Page” template. It is to be noted that to show up the ratings control on the web-page, the Page template should be of type Re-write and it should point to ~/Pages/Page.aspx.


This can be hard to understand for consultants starting with online portal offering. But for consultants who have past experience of working with ADX controls, there used to be a UserControl called “MultiRatingControl” which we could included in any custom page we develop during those days. The Page.aspx still contains the user control and hence when we use re-write to the specified Page, the rating control shows up.

Old ADX documentation for reference –

Hope this helps and save you some time.

Debajit Dutta

(Dynamics MVP)

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