This is an error I was facing while trying to download file using Xrm.Navigation.openFile. I was trying on unified interface on web browser. Tried on all browsers and I was getting this error.
Below is my code which I was trying.
var file = {
fileContent: “YWJjZA==”, //Contents of the file.
fileName: “test.txt”, //Name of the file.
mimeType: “text/plain” //MIME type of the file.
Xrm.Navigation.openFile(file, 2).then(
function (s) {
console.log(“File downloaded successfully.”);
}, function (e) {
And I was getting this error – “This attachment cannot be opened on your device”.
And then I went back to Microsoft Docs – Read carefully and came across this.

openFileOptions is an object. Where we need to specify openMode.
So all I did was to create openFileOptions object and set the value of openMode property.
var openFileOptions = {openMode: 2};
var file = {
fileContent: “YWJjZA==”, //Contents of the file.
fileName: “test.txt”, //Name of the file.
mimeType: “text/plain” //MIME type of the file.
Xrm.Navigation.openFile(file, openFileOptions).then(
function (s) {
console.log(“File downloaded successfully.”);
}, function (e) {
And voila! It worked. Small trick did it.
Hope this helps!
Debajit Dutta
(Business solutions MVP)
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