Struggling with expressions in Power Automate? Use this new feature to get formula suggestions in Power Automate

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. In today’s blog I am going to discuss about a new feature that will help you to create expressions based on your desired output.

Power Platform is low code – no code, a platform for citizen developers. Make no mistake about it. But at the same time, let’s be honest that Power Automate expressions are not easy for citizen developers when they are new to the platform.

What if I tell you that Power Automate now has a feature that suggest expression based on the output you want. Simply put, you tell Power Automate the desired output you want and it gives you the resulting expression to achieve that.

This is an experimental feature. Before we get started, we need to enable it. To enable the experimental feature, click on Power Automate settings and enable the experimental feature.

I created an instant Power Automate flow for this demo where I am retrieving an account using Account ID.

I want to get the output of the account name in UpperCase. Obviously we need an expression here to convert it to Uppercase. In the expression editor we now have an option – ‘Format data by examples‘.

I click on that and then select the Account Name from the list of available fields in account.

And in the example I provide my expected output.

If you observe I am expecting the output of the company name in UpperCase. I click on ‘Get expression‘ and then it gives me the Suggested expression.

If you are OK with the formula, click on Apply to set the formula in the expression.

Let’s try a more complex example. Check for the below suggested expression.

Honestly the formula look scary. However I thought of trying it. And much to my excitement, it worked just fine. Below is the account record.

And below is the output when I ran the flow.

Sharing one more use case scenario below.

The more examples your provide, the better suggestions you get.

Hope you liked this post. If this post has helped, you can buy me a coffee.

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Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP