{Solved} Web Page cannot be set to self–Error while browsing PowerApps/ Dynamics 365 Portals

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Recently we had an issue with one of our Customer portals. Everything was working fine in DEV and UAT environments. However after portal deployment in production environment, customers reported they are unable to browse the portal. Whenever they are trying to access the portal, they are getting generic portal error which displays a error code and asks to contact system administrator.

For a quick resolution, we disabled custom errors in the portal. Then when we tried to browse the portal we got the error – “Web Page cannot be set to self”.

I was kind of taken aback because I have never received this error before.

WHAT JUST HAPPENED! - Lolcats - lol | cat memes | funny cats ...

Regathering myself, I just realized then when the portal is launched, it’s the home page of the portal which is displayed. So there must be an issue with the home page.

And then I went ahead and opened the home page of the portal. And I could see as below


Not sure how this happened and investigation going on. But my I guess it happened during portal migration. Nonetheless, I removed the parent page, cleared portal cache and then browsed the portal.

And now to our delight, our beloved portal is back.

Hope this helps!

Debajit Dutta

(Microsoft MVP)