{Solved} Password is incorrect – Error when importing certificate in windows server 2012/ 2016

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. In today’s blog I will share a tip on how to get rid of ‘Password is incorrect’ error when you try to import a certificate .pfx/ .pkcs12 file in your windows server.

So here goes the problem statement. I had a .pfx file which I created using OpenSSL. And once I had the .pfx file, the next step was to import the file in windows server. Check this link if you want to know how to generate .pfx file using OpenSSL.

As I was importing this, when I entered the password, I get the error – The password you entered is incorrect. The error is quite misleading.

What usually causes this error is the version of OpenSSL you used to generate the certificate. This is because windows server supports certificates generated with OpenSSL1.1.1 or lower. In my case the OpenSSL version was 3.0.5.

To check the version of OpenSSL, open OpenSSL command prompt and type the following command

openssl version

Coming back to the topic, where do you get OpenSSL version 1.1.1? You can download OpenSSL 1.1.1 from this link. If this is not working you can download the file directly from here. It will download .mp4 file.

Once download is complete, change the extension of file from .mp4 to .zip. Extract the zip file to get the binaries.

Once you install OpenSSL 1.1.1, regenerate the .pfx file. And this time when you import the file in Windows server, it will work without any issues.

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Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP