Resubmit multiple failed runs in Power Automate

I am back with another blog on Power Platform and this time it is about a new feature introduced in Power Platform 2022 Release wave 1.

Imagine you have a cloud flow (automated/ instant/ scheduled) which started failing. And by the time you identified the error, quite a number of flow instances have failed.

Let’s take an example below. In my environment, I have around 10+ instances of my flow which have failed. The failure has been due to data mismatch.

Resubmit multiple failed flow runs in Power Automate

I go ahead and fix the flow. But now I have quite a few instances which failed and I have to re-run them. Prior to this release you have to select each of them and run one by one.

However with the latest release you can re-submit multiple failed instances at one go. At the moment you can select up to 10 failed flow runs at one time and re-submit.

Resubmit multiple failed flow runs in Power Automate

And now all 10 are succeeded. When you have 50 failed instances you can finish the job in just five batches instead of running it 50 times.

Resubmit multiple failed flow runs in Power Automate

Hope this helped!

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Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP