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In this blog I am going to explain on how you can restrict access requests for PowerApps portal from specific IP addresses. Before I explain on how we can do it, let’s understand when this functionality may be required.
So you have designed a portal for a bank. And they want that the portal application should only surface their content when requests originate from only within company network. But how can you achieve this? Gone are the days of the on-premise portal offerings. Portals are always provisioned online now.
But wait there is a way. PowerApps portal access request can be restricted based on IP address. So let’s see how we can do it.
Navigate to PowerApps maker portal and select your portal. From the menu click on Settings.
Once PowerApps Portal admin center is up, click on “Set up IP address restriction” from the left hand navigation.
On the Set up IP address section, click on Add New
Once you have entered the IP address, click on Configure. In this example I have set the IP address restriction to Well most of the blogs specify till this point. Even Microsoft Docs article does not explain this notation. If you observe closely, the IP address is specified in CIDR notation.
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But what is CIDR Notation? CIDR stand for Classless Inter-Domain Routing. I am not a network expert neither this blog is about network related topics. However this need a certain bit of explanation here. Because usually when I demo this in training, participants think that using this will block requests from all IP addresses from –
Well it’s not that simple. If I go by definition, “CIDR notation is a compact representation of an IP address and its associated routing prefix. The notation is constructed from an IP address, a slash(‘/’) character, and a decimal number. The trailing number is the count of leading 1 bits in the routing mask, traditionally called the network mask. The IP address in the notation is always represented according to the standards for IPv4 or IPv6“ represents the IPv4 address and its associated routing prefix, or equivalently, its subnet mask, which has 16 leading 1-bits. You may be wondering what does that mean? All I can suggest is to better involve your network team when you do this configuration. After all, a cross group collaboration is always so desired in an organization.
If you want to delete the IP address restriction, it’s as simple to go ahead and delete the record you just created.
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Hope this helps!
Debajit Dutta
(Business Solutions MVP)
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