Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Today’s blog is on print functionality in Power Apps and how to remove controls from screen you don’t want to print.
Sometime back I wrote a blog on how to print in canvas apps. While it’s fairly easy to do in Canvas apps, the issue happens when you want to exclude certain controls from the screen during print.
Take a look at the screen below. It has a button which I don’t want to print. I have put the button as “Do not print this”.

But when I use the Print function to open up the Print preview of the screen, the button show up.

How to exclude this button from print. To do that we have to set the Visible property of the button to the following expression.
Not Screen1.Printing

Screen1 is the name of the screen I am printing. You may need to change the screen name accordingly. And below is the print preview post the change. As you can see, the button is no longer visible in the print mode.

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Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP
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