Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. In today’s blog, I will show how you can resolve the error mentioned here when you try to login to Power Pages portals using Azure AD B2C.
Let’s explore the setup first. I have configured my customer portal using Azure AD B2C. All settings are fine as per Microsoft Documentation.
However when logging in, post successful sign-up with Azure AD B2C, it was redirecting to the portal with the below error message.
Registration is Disabled. Invalid signin attempt.
Honestly, it was bit confusing. But the section of the error – “Registration is disabled” was indicating that there is some setting related to Registration which was turned off.
After exploring quite for sometime and repeated trial and failures, we were finally able to boil down to the right site setting.

The setting in the above screenshot had false as it’s value. Precisely this setting determine whether end users can create their own accounts in the portal either through local registration or when we use the Sign-up method of Azure AD B2C.
Since the value was false, even though end users could register themselves in Azure AD B2C, they were not getting created as contact in DataVerse post successful registration.
Once I set the value of the above setting to true, the users were able to successfully sign-in post the sign up.
Hope this helped. You will also like the below posts.
Debajit Dutta
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