Need to convert from LocalTime in any time zone to UTC time in Dynamics 365? The UtcTimeFromLocalTime request can help you with that. Check this out!

UtcTimeFromLocalTime – A function introduced in Dynamics 365 to allow you to convert time in any timezone to the corresponding UTC time. It has couple of parameters

If you want to check on how to convert UTC time to local time in Dynamics 365/ Model driven apps, check this blog post.

  • LocalTime – DateTime object to set the local time
  • TimeZoneCode – Timezonecode of type integer.

So let’s see how we can put this in action

UtcTimeFromLocalTimeRequest request = new UtcTimeFromLocalTimeRequest();
        request.LocalTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Now, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
          request.TimeZoneCode = 190; // this is the timezone code IST


         UtcTimeFromLocalTimeResponse response = (UtcTimeFromLocalTimeResponse)service.Execute(request);
          var utcDateTime = response.UtcTime;


Observe how I have passed the LocalTime value. Please note that if you want to pass the current date time object, don’t use DateTime.Now as it may give undesirable results. Pass the datetime value using DateTIme.SpecifyKind as done in the above code.

If you want to pass some specific date time you can construct a datetime object like below.

request.LocalTime = new DateTime(2020,5,29,21,30,0);

Hope this helps!

Debajit Dutta

(Dynamics MVP)

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