I am back with another blog on Power Apps and I am hopeful you will find this interesting. In this blog I am going to discuss on how to display ‘Toast Notifications‘ in Canvas apps.
Toast Notifications are not a new concept. Infact it’s an age old concept associated with the UI design. A toast notification is a notification which pop out on the screen and remains there for sometime until it disappears after a timeout.
You might be thinking that I am going to create some custom UI elements in canvas app to do this. Well, that is not required.
I am pretty sure, you are aware of the Notify function. But many miss the last optional parameter in the Notify function. Which is the timeout.

As you can see, you can put a timeout period in milliseconds after which the Notification automatically disappear.
And below is the formula in action.
Cool, isn’t it. Sometimes we miss some subtle functionalities in functions which we tend to use almost everyday. Infact I was myself not aware of this till sometime back, when for a requirement this caught my attention.
Hope this helped!
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Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP
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