How to show Months and Weekdays in dropdown in Power Apps canvas apps?

After my last few blogs, this one is relatively simple. But nonetheless this is quite interesting and a requirement which frequently pop up.

This blog will basically cover the following requirements

  • Show list of months in Dropdown/ combo box like – January, February, March, ……, December
  • Show the list of months in dropdown or combobox with short names – Jan, Feb, March, ….., December
  • Show weekdays in dropdown like Monday, Tuesday,…, Sunday
  • Show weekdays in dropdown with short names like Mon, Tue, Wed,…, Sun

Whenever I find a requirement like this, I see few implementations being done custom. Like maintaining a collection of months or weekdays and then bind it to dropdown.

But in-fact there is a OOB function in Canvas apps to do the same. And that function is the Calendar function.

Below is a video of the four requirements in action.

And below are the formular for each.

Month names long - Calendar.MonthsLong()
Month names short - Calendar.MonthsShort()
Weekdays names long - Calendar.WeekdaysLong()
Weekdays names short - Calendar.WeekdaysShort()

Rather simple but pretty useful I should say.

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Hope this helped!

Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP