How to send notifications across apps in Power Apps Canvas apps

Welcome to my blog. In today’s blog I will discuss a simple requirement on how to send notifications across apps in canvas app.

Did you ever had the following requirements?

  • Send notification to a user from an app.
  • Open a canvas app when a user press on the push notification.
  • Pass data across canvas apps using push notifications.

This is a functionality which is there for sometime. But one of those hidden gems which are not frequently used.

Without wasting any more time, let’s get the ball rolling.

I have two apps in my environment.

Send notifications and data from across canvas apps in powerapps.

I want to send a push notification to a user. When the user open the push notification in mobile, it shall open up the Inspector app with certain parameters.

My target application here is the Inspector app. The first thing I will do here is to get the ID of the Inspector App. In your maker portal, go to app details and get the ID of the app.

Send notifications and data from across canvas apps in powerapps.

Now I open the “Demo APP” in edit mode. The first thing to do here is to add the datasource “Power Apps Notification“.

Send notifications and data from across canvas apps in powerapps.

You need to enter the Id or the Url of the app. Paste the ID of the target app from the previous step.

Send notifications and data from across canvas apps in powerapps.

I created a button to send the push notification. Below is the command on select of the button

        recipients: [""],
        message: "There are new items in app. Open to check them out!",
        params: Table(
                key: "param1",
                value: "The value for param1"
        openApp: true
Send notifications and data from across canvas apps in powerapps.

Observe the “params” parameter in the function. It’s optional but you can use it to pass additional parameters to the target app when you open it.

The parameter “openApp” shall open the app when the push notification is clicked.

All set and done, it’s time to test. When I click the button the notification is sent. And below is a screenshot of the notification on my mobile. Note that it clearly mention the target app name – “Inspector

Send notifications and data from across canvas apps in powerapps.

When I click on the notification, the Inspector app opens with the parameters provided in the notification.

Hope this helps. You will also like the below posts.

Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP