How to select a control in a specific row of gallery- power apps canvas apps

Welcome to all my blog readers. I am back with another blog on Power Apps. In today’s topic, I am going to discuss about a very simple requirement – How to select a control in specific gallery control row?

For this blog, let’s take a very simple requirement. I have Gallery which shows the list of accounts. Each item of the Gallery has a Notify button.

Select item inside a row of a Gallery in Power Apps Canvas apps

You can write your own functions OnSelect of the Notify button but for this demo, below is the formula OnSelect of the Notify button.

What I want now is to fire the OnSelect of the Notify button on the of the second Gallery row. And this should happen when I click on the Select Gallery Control button at the top (check screenshot)

OnSelect of the button, I use the below formula.

Select(Gallery1,2, NotifyButton)

The Select function does the trick here. Gallery1 is the name of the control. Since I want to select the second row, I pass 2 as the second parameter. And finally NotifyButton is the name of my button control.

And below is the Select function in action. Observe when I click on the ‘Select Gallery Control’ button, it Notifies the account name in the second row.

Hope this helped. You will also like the below posts.

Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP