How to get last day of a month in Power Apps using EOMonth

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. In today’s blog, I will show how you can get the last day of current month using the new EOMonth function introduced in Power Apps.

Sometime back, I wrote a blog on how to get the first and last day of a month in Power Apps. While it worked, it was somewhat complex. But things are way simpler now with the introduction of EOMonth function.

Let’s get started. As of writing this blog, today’s date is 23rd of February, 2024. I want to deduce the end date of the current month which is 29th of Feb, 2024. Using EOMonth function, we can achieve the desired result using the below formula.


The function EOMonth take couple of parameters. The first is the date value and the second is the number of months to add to the date value.

Since I want to find the end date of the current month, I have passed 0 in the second parameter. If your requirement is to get the end date of a month, 3 months from Today’s date, you have to use the below formula.


Well, that will be all. Hope this helped. You will also like the below posts.

Debajit Dutta