How to find all contacts whose birthday falls in current month in DataVerse/ Dynamics 365

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. In today’s blog I will discuss on how to display all contacts whose birthday falls in the current month.

While this blog focus on only finding birthdays in the current month, you can use similar techniques to accomplish the following requirements.

  • Upcoming birthdays next month
  • Birthdays this week
  • Birthdays this quarter

and in-fact many other similar requirement on these lines.

So let’s get started. The first step is obviously to create a field which store the date of birth of the contact. For this I created a Date and Time field with Format Date Only and Time Zone Independent.

The next step is to create a calculated field which will indicate if the contact’s birthday falls in the current month. For this I created a new Power Fx formula column with the below configuration.

Below is the formula I have used for this column.

If(Month('Date of Birth') = Month(UTCToday()), true, false)

I am using the Month function to determine if the Month value for Date of Birth field is equal to the month value of today’s date. If they are same, I set the field value to true, else false.

And below is the output. As you notice, the Birthday this month field displays Yes/ No based on the Date of Birth provided. You can create a view out of this and export this data in excel or have a workflow send birthday wishes to the concerned contacts.

Below is a view – Contacts with Birthday this month which I have configured with filter Birthday this month = Yes

Hope you liked this post. If this post has helped, you can buy me a coffee.

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Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP