Well every week I am writing one blog for the numerous people who are reaching out to me and asking to put down blogs with some basic info consolidated in a place. If you are new to Dynamics 365, docs can be overwhelming. So here is a quick summary of all the important user properties, you can play with using Xrm Client API’s.
// Get user settings object
var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings
// get dateformatting option for the user. You can get all details of date formatting for the user using this property.

// Get default Dashboard id of the user.
// Get user language id
// Get security roles of user with names and id
userSettings.roles. Don’t use the userSettings.securityRoles which is deprecated
// Userid
// username
Hope this helps!
Debajit Dutta
(Business Applications MVP)
For training and consulting, please reach out to info@xrmforyou.com
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