Get Today’s date in Power Automate/ Microsoft Flow

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Hi All, I am back with one more tip from Power Automate. In this blog I am going to show you on how to get current date in your Power Automate flows.
And with a real life example here. So here is the requirement.

Whenever a record in Dynamics 365 is updated, we need to compare the record’s created on date with the current date. If both have been created on the same date, the flow takes one course else it follows some other path. But how we can do it?
You might be wondering, isn’t there a function utcnow(). Well there is. But the point is there it returns date and time. We don’t need the time part. We just need to compare if they are created on the same date.

So let’s see how we can accomplish this requirement here.

We have this simple flow here.  The flow is fired when the when a record is updated in Dynamics 365/ CDS. In the next step we perform a comparison of the current date and created on field for the updated record. And check if they are the same date.
As you can see, to get the current date we are using the utcnow() function inside the formateDateTime function with the format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’. Even the created on field we use the formatDateTime function to get the date value.

formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')


formatDateTime(triggerBody()?['createdon'], 'yyyy-MM-dd')

So all we need was to use the formatDateTime function with utcnow() to get Today’s date in Power Automate.

Hope this helps!

Debajit Dutta
(Microsoft MVP)