It’s been sometime I have written blog on PCF control. While my first blog still date back to one of the earliest detailed step by step blog on PCF and probably written couple of days after PCF preview release, unfortunately I could not write up much on PCF from that point.
However I find so many readers still referring to the blog and many of them reported they are getting error while running the below command
pac solution init --publisherName <enter your publisher name> --customizationPrefix <enter your publisher prefix>
And below are the errors reported.
Required argument –publisher-name is missing
Required argument –publisher-prefix is missing

If you look at the usage specified for init in PowerApps CLI, the command line parameters are now changed to –publisher-name and –publisher-prefix. This is off-course if you are using the latest version of CLI.
Instead of –publisherName you need to use –publisher-name. And instead of –customizationPrefix, you need to use –publisher-prefix.
So the new command should be
pac solution init --publisher-name <enter your publisher name> --publisher-prefix <enter your publisher prefix>
Hope this helped!
Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP
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