Disable SSL check for enabling Data Encryption in CRM 2013

By now many of you might have already worked with Data encryption feature in CRM 2013. In case you are not aware of this new feature, I suggest you go through the following link.


Isn’t it really simple to just go to Settings->Data Management  and enable Data Encryption with the key of your choice. Well it is. However the moment you try to do so and your CRM website is not configured with SSL certificate, you get the following error.


So thinking that you would need to request a certificate and bind with CRM website? Well if possible i strongly recommend you doing the same. If may sound tedious to get a certificate for this but actually you end up protecting your own sensitive data and account passwords.

However if you are not willing to do the same, you can do the following workaround.

Open SQL and connect to MSCRM_Config database.Run the below query. Remember to Restart your IIS after executing the query below. Hope this helps!


UPDATE [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[DeploymentProperties]
SET [BitColumn]=1
WHERE ColumnName='DisableSSLCheckForEncryption