{Dynamics CRM Business Process} Change the Active Stage Flag in CRM 2013 Business Process Flows

Recently in our project, we had a customer requirement where the customer asked to change the colour of  image of active stage of a business process flow for Opportunity.
Let’s see how this can be achieved.
OOB in CRM 2013, the active stage flag for a business process in bluish is colour. Please check for the screenshot below.
screen 19
However, the customer wanted the flag to be in green to comply with their existing colour scheme. A little bit of exploring and we found that CRM picks up the image from the following location
<Installation Folder>\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\_imgs\ProcessControl\process_control_global_active_flag.png
We took the .png image and modified the image using Photoshop to change the background colour to green keeping the dimensions exactly the same and then  replaced the old image with the new one. Recycle the app pool, clear your browser cache and refresh the page and the changes are reflected in the CRM. Check for the screenshot below.
screen 20
I would suggest you take a back-up of the original image before replacing the same. Also you have to do this as a part of your deployment once you move from dev–>test–>prod.
Hope this helps!