Multiselect Picklist control in Dynamics CRM with support for editable grids and Data import feature

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Thanks for your overwhelming response to our Multiselect control for Dynamics CRM. Thanks to everyone for your queries for the tool and liking it as well.

In case you have missed our earlier post regarding the multi select control for Dynamics CRM, you can jump to this link.

Of the queries that have come across for the tool, the most asked were

  • How would the multi-select show up in views?
  • How would it work for editable grid’s and data uploads.

Well, I understand that I haven’t explained these in my earlier post and apologies for that. But my intention was to get everyone a taste of the tool and then do a deep dive on the advanced feature the tool offers.

No more talking here. Let’s straightway see how the multi-select control handles the above two scenarios.

How it would show up in Views?

For people who have already read my last article and for those who already are using the utility, they are pretty much aware of this. But just to brush up our memory, whenever we configure an Optionset field for multi-select using the tool, two additional fields gets created for the tool.

For example, I have a field called Display Name – Initial Communication (schema – initialcommunication) on the Opportunity entity which I have configured for multi-select behavior. Two additional fields get created

  • Multiselect Label for initialcommunication (xrm4you_multiselect_label_initialcommunication)
  • Multiselect for initialcommunication (xrm4you_multiselect_initialcommunication)

For all the view related purposes, the label field is the one we would be using. The first thing you can do here is come over to customizations and then change the Display name to something you want to the end-users to see. I change it to Communication only.


Save & Publish.

The next thing that I do is include it in the “Open Opportunities” view.


I have configured the Multi-select control on the form. In case you are not aware on how to do this, you can find it here –

Save & publish everything and we are all set.

I open an existing opportunity – “Video Hardware Upgrade’. The multi-select control renders and I select all the existing values.


Save it and you are done!

Now let’s see how it looks when I see it in the view.


The end-users ends up seeing the display values of the options selected which is kind of the ideal behavior that you would expect.

Please note that here the values are separated by ‘/’ character. However that can be changed with whatever character you would like it for your environment.

How does it work in editable grids & Data Upload

Here in comes the big question. Showing part is OK. But what about updating the value back from end-users perspective. Off-course you cannot expect your end users to save the optionset values.

Well don’t trouble yourself thinking too much on that. The tool from does that for you.

I have taken a new opportunity – “interested in new offerings” and have just entered a values for the communication field.


I just click on Save on the Grid.

Now I go ahead and open the record.

And as you can see, our selection is being reflected in the form as well.


Like in editable grids, for data-upload as well, all the end-users need to do is put the display labels of the Optionset Items separated by a separator of their choice. The tool will take care of mapping those text to the appropriate optionset values behind the scenes.

P.S – Support for editable grids and data upload is not available with the free version of the tool.

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