Dynamically Navigate across screens in PowerApps Canvas apps by name

In today’s blog I will discuss how you can navigate screens dynamically based of name in Power Apps canvas apps.

Before I go ahead and suggest a solution, let’s understand the requirement here. Below I have a gallery showing the list of contacts. And say I have a requirement. And the requirement is, if I click on System Admin contacts, it will take me to admin edit screen and for other contacts it will go to regular screen.

Dynamically navigate to screens using name in Power Apps canvas apps

We just have two screens here but imagine you have a plethora of screens and then you want to navigate to different screens based on business logic. Each of the items in the Gallery has a ScreenName property but I can’t use that because it’s a text property and Navigate function won’t accept that.

Then how can I do it? For that I create a collection of my app screens in App OnStart property.

        Id: "admin",
        Screen: AdminScreen
        Id: "regular",
        Screen: RegularScreen
        Id: "display",
        Screen: DisplayScreen

And on click of the item in the Gallery, I use the following code.

Navigate(LookUp(screens, Id = ThisItem.ScreenName).Screen)

Observe I am using the ScreenName property to get the screen from the screens collection.

Hope this helps!

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Debajit Dutta
Business Solutions MVP