Configure conflict detection for mobile offline synchronization in Dynamics 365

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In my previous article, I described in detail about Mobile Offline filters. Unlike the previous blog, this one is going to be real short. In this blog I am just going to discuss about a setting for conflict resolution when you have enabled Mobile Offline synchronization for your organization.

If you navigate to Advanced settings –> Mobile Offline, you will find an option – “Mobile Offline Settings”.

Once you click it, it basically opens the System settings –> Mobile client tab. There your have the below option.


By default, the value is set to No. So what is this conflict all about? When there is a mismatch of data between client and server, conflict errors occur.This setting help in resolution of these conflicts.

Suppose the user made some changes in offline mode and in the meantime the record has been modified on the server as well. If you set this value as No, the client wins over the server and whenever you go online, the changes made offline shall be synced. Client wins over the server.

If this setting is set to Yes, the server wins over the client and the offline changes are discarded if simultaneously the record the record has been changed on server as well.

Hope this helps!

Debajit Dutta

(Microsoft MVP)