Azure storage integration with PowerApps/ Dynamics 365 Portals not working? Receiving “access is denied” message in portal logs. This can be a reason as well. Check this out!

Well, there can be so many reasons why Azure Storage integration with Dynamics 365 Portals/ PowerApps portals is not working. However more often than not, the most common error I see is “access is denied” message in the portal logs.

And you scramble to your portal configurations and verify the connection string to your azure storage account and find everything is alright.

Now what? Well you won’t believe it but in 8-10 cases so far I have seen this issue happening because of minor overlook.

I have read a detailed post on entire configuration here. However for this blog keeping it only to the error.

As per documentation, you should couple of setting record in your portal management app. They are

Setting 1

Name: FileStorage/CloudStorageAccount

Value: The connection string we copied in our earlier step

Setting 2

Name: FileStorage/CloudStorageContainerName

Value: You azure blog storage container name

You may ask what’s big in there? Nothing. But trust me in all those cases of error, administrator have create a site setting instead of a setting record. This is because we are so accustomed creating a site setting that when setting is mentioned, we perceive it as site setting itself. Precisely we need to create a setting record and not site setting record.


Trust me if you overlook it first time, it can take hours for you to find and rectify it.

Hope this helps!

Debajit Dutta

(Business solutions MVP)

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